
Thursday, February 25, 2010

At Last!

I finally, finally made a recording I like of my harp tune, "Hedgerows and Fences." I wrote it years ago, when I was new to the harp, and when my harp teacher heard me struggling through it the first time she said, "Why do you write such difficult pieces for yourself? You should start with something easier. It's going to take you forever to learn to play that."

She was right. But here's the sweet success:

And then my harp teacher laughed at me and said, "But you're going to be famous someday."

That remains to be seen.


  1. as expected...its BEAUTIFUL! you constantly and consistently AMAZE :)

  2. That is beautiful! I love listening to the harp.

  3. AND you play the harp? The arts run strong in your family, young jedi.


  4. Awesome recording of a beautiful piece! Thanks for sharing it with us all. And BTW: if you don't achieve harpist fame in your generation, your daughter surely will in hers! She has such a gift, and thanks to your interest, she is able to hone her skills at a much younger age. You two should start doing some duets...

  5. I get to play at a wedding on Monday night! I'm so excited. The bride asked for the "Superman" theme while the groom and his buddies walk in, that should get some grins, and then I switch to "Fields of Gold" for the flower girl, brides' maids, and the bride herself. Dreamy!
